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Budaka District Approved Budget for FY2023/2024

The District Council approved the estimates of revenue and expenditure for FY2023/2024 of Ugx 34,185,049,000.The wage recurrent revenue and expenditure is Ugx19,291,470,000 representing 56%,non wage recurrent revenue and expenditure is Ugx8,070,747,000 representing 24% while development revenue and expenditure is Ugx6,822,832,000 representing 20%.The key projects are full rehabilitation of Budaka Iki-Iki and Iki-Iki Kerekerene road,construction of Sekulo HCIII in Kadimukoli subcounty ,construction of a multi-purpose general ward at Budaka HCIV and completion of Administration Block at the District Headquarters among others.At programme level,Agro-Industralisation is allocated Ugx796,000,000 and this is purely wage recurrent revenue and expenditure.No allocation was provided for non-wage recurrent expenditure and development revenues.Natural Resources ,Environment,Climate Change,Land and Water was allocated Ugx975,475,000 of which Ugx250,083,000 is for wage.Ugx87,244,000 is for non wage recurrent while 638,147,000 is for development.Private Sector was allocated Ugx65,217,000,Integrated Transport and service Ugx 1,624,653,000.Human Capital development Ugx24,488,084,000Public Sector Transformation Ugx4,445,099,000Community Mobilisation and Mindset change Ugx202,607,000Governance and Security Ugx1,068,730,000Development Plan Implementation is Ugx519,185,000