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Dissemination of the National Risk & Vulnerability atlas and the Uganda National Integrated Early Warning system (UNIEWS).

Publication Date: 
Friday, August 18, 2023

Office of the Prime Minister today in the District Council Chambers disseminating the National Risk & Vulnerability atlas and the Uganda National Integrated Early Warning system(UNIEWS) of Uganda particularly Budaka.According to Mr. Oketcho Emmanuel, the Disaster Preparedness Officer OPM, he noted capacity building of MDAs in risk identification, risk assessment and risk management as one of the objectives of the dissemination exercise among others.He also informed members about the areas covered in the atlas that included; risk analysis, hazard analysis, exposure analysis, vulnerability analysis and mitigation measures in disasters like floods, drought and earth quakes excetra.While making his presentation, Capt.Stanley Osaba informed members that the National Emergency Coordination & Operations Centre (NECOC) which he heads is mandated to publish the bi-monthly National Integrated Early Warning Bulletin.He further explained that through the disaster risk reduction platforms, they are able to provide alerts and updates on crisis response and recovery action for sustained productivity and socio-economic growth of the country.Capt. Stanley also took members through the early warning advisory for the month of August to September 2023 that comprised of; high likelihood of near normal rainfall in some Eastern parts of Uganda, incidences of flash floods especially in the urban areas between the months of September to December and high likelihood of malaria outbreak due to the on and off rains predicted.He further tasked the District Disaster Management Committee to ensure that they sensitive communities on radios and other platforms about the rainfall outlook, biological and transport technological hazards so as to mitigate such disasters.The District Chairperson Mr.Pajje Emmanuel called for timely responses to disasters in the district by OPM.He further pledged his commitment in driving the message home. 
